Lincolnshire Under 12 League now at The Lindum Sports Association

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club
We finally have some good news regarding the venue for the Lincolnshire Under 12 League. Alford Hockey Club / Skegness Grammar School, who have been hosting, are unable to do so any more so we have picked it up for our first Lincolnshire League date at the Lindum Sports Association’s new astro-turf pitch. This will be on Sunday the 9th of February starting at 11am (meeting at the Luindum at 10.30am). The day will finish at 3pm.

The Lindum will be open for drinks, food and other facilities for everyone to use in a very relaxed atmosphere, as well as allowing parents to support your son or daughter whilst they play.

Please let me know, as soon as possible, if your child can play via the website.


Tony Perrin
Lincoln Youth Development Officer / Coach

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club

Curves: Womens Only Gym
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