Level 1 Umpiring Course at the Lindum

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club
Dave Elworthy is holding a Level 1 Hockey Umpiring Course at the Lindum Sports Association on Tuesday the 25th and Friday the 28th of March, 2014. The course covers seven hours split across the two evenings from 6pm – 9:30pm. Umpiring

The booking system works on a first come first served basis and the booking system closes seven days before the course begins or when the course becomes full. To be sure of a place on the course participants need to register via the England Hockey website. The cost of the course is £50 and Lincoln Hockey Club are willing to reimburse £25 to club members.

Prior to the course, candidates are asked to visit the Rules Test prior to attendance. This can be found at http://rules.englandhockey.co.uk/. This can be completed by anyone and in advance of the course, with participants requiring to bring their certificate of completion with them for the first night.

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club

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