Covid Update, 23rd of Sept ’20

Posted by John Sisman
Wednesday, 23rd of September 2020
Covid Update, 23rd of Sept ’20 Covid Update, 23rd of Sept ’20

An update following the latest announcement by the Prime Minister and the Government concerning Covid-19

Following the recent announcements from Boris Johnson, the organisation of hockey continues to provide plenty of challenges. As we receive guidance from England hockey and work with the Lindum Sports Associated, we will keep everyone updated with any changes made.

At the moment, we are planning for league fixtures to start on October the 3rd for games in the North Hockey leagues and October in the 10th in the Yorkshire league.

One thing that is clear, is that we are unable to host spectators at any home fixtures. It is challenging to run training sessions and fixtures whilst remaining compliant. The addition of spectators makes it even more of a challenge.


Ongoing Guidance

The clear message is:

  • Whenever possible, maintain an appropriate social distance (2m+)
  • Spectators are not allowed at Lindum Hockey Club fixtures
  • Parents of U18s must stay in their cars
  • Only participants are permitted to enter the caged area
  • Goal frames must be wiped down with disinfectant between games and training sessions
  • Rails alongside the pitch must be wiped down with disinfectant between games and training sessions

It is now up to every member of the club to work to the guidelines, listen to captains, coaches and club officials alongside being responsible so that we can keep playing the sport we love.

Match Day Training and Guidance

Curves: Womens Only Gym
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