Training Times & Lost Property

Training Times & Lost Property Training Times & Lost Property

October training dates are now available to pre-book

The Training Dates have been loaded onto the Training Booking system in preparation for next month’s sessions. At present the schedule only goes as far as the end of October, while the guidance continues to change and as the facilities at the Lindum Sports Association may become more available to us.

Please note that the restriction of one training session per club member, per week, is still in place. This is to ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to train and that some club members aren’t training more than once at the expense of others who are unable to train at all once the bookings have been taken.


Schedule For October

  • 7-8pm Ladies performance
  • 8:15-9:15pm – Mens performance
  • 6:15-7:15pm Girls academy
  • 7:30-8:30pm Boys academy
  • 7-8pm Ladies Club session
  • 8:15-9:15pm Mens Club session
  • 9-10am – Under 6s / Under 8s
  • 10:15-11:15am Under 10s / Under 12s


Lost Property

Lost Property - Watch

A watch was found on the pitch by TP on the morning following Wednesday the 23rd of September

When l was doing the pitch cleansing this morning l came across this watch in the far corner of the pitch furthest away on the dugout side.


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