LSA Covid Requirements, April 2021

Posted by Tony Perrin
Tuesday, 27th of April 2021
LSA Covid Requirements, April 2021 LSA Covid Requirements, April 2021

The latest on restrictions in place at the Lindum Sports Association, from mid-April 2021

All Lindum Hockey Club members and players should be aware of the current situation in place, with regard to the Covid-19 requirements, at the Lindum Sports Association. Obviously this will hopefully change again on 17th May as more relaxation comes in.



The main clubhouse will remain closed for the immediate future pending government relaxation soon.


The Bar

  • Open Friday evening – times to be agreed
  • Saturday and Sunday – 4pm – 8pm (or 9pm and at other times by special arrangement), as possible

The bar area inside the clubhouse will remain closed but a temporary bar will be set up at the fire-door exit on to the patio area. We cannot offer a “table service” but a queuing system at the bar table in the doorway will be in force. Please give your order, pay by card and wait to collect when ready. The next persons in the line should wait in the queuing area and social distance. Please leave the bar area by the exit route.

There will be picnic tables for you to sit at or benches. Please note that the picnic tables will be for the use of bar users only when it is open and you are required to sit in groups of no more than six persons and social distance. If there is not enough seating please sit in groups of no more than six persons on the grass and social distance. You are not permitted to drink standing up at present.

Facemasks should be worn when not seated in the Bar Area (facemasks are optional elsewhere outside)
Note: if the bar area requirements are not strictly adhered to then it will be closed with immediate effect.


Changing Rooms and Showers

All the changing rooms and showers, including the Squash Area with its toilets, are closed for the immediate future pending government relaxation soon. However, in an emergency, changing room 1, first on the left in the corridor (“Home”), can be used for medical reasons.



The main block toilets down the changing room corridor will be the only toilets open at the present time for use by both cricket and hockey players. At the bottom of the corridor turn left for hockey Toilets (previously the female toilets) and right for cricket toilets (previously the male toilets). In each toilet there are three WCs. Left hand one is female, central one is closed, right hand one is male.

You must queue at Corridor entrance and only one person at a time should go down the corridor and the next person must queue and wait until they exit.

Note: There is a small board on the small table on entry that should be turned around on entry, one side says “YOU MAY ENTER” and on the reverse “TOILET OCCUPIED”. Please make sure that this is used and sanitise your hands on entry and exit. Facemasks must be worn in the toilet area.

The disabled toilet is only to be used by disabled persons or squash club persons in an emergency (the Squash Area Changing Rooms, Toilets and Showers are currently closed).
Toilets are to be locked by Clubs at the end of the day’s use.


Car Parking

The Top car Park is for use by the Cricket and Squash Club only.
The Bottom Car Park (near the Artificial Hockey Pitch) is to be used by the Hockey Club only.

Note: Car Parks to be locked after the day’s use by Clubs



Please refer to the governing body’s guidelines. Hockey is currently “No Spectators – except for a parent or carer of Under 18s, maximum of one per child”.

Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not
mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.

This is a government decision as the Lindum Sports Ground is “private land”

Curves: Womens Only Gym
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