End Of Season Ball 2012 / 2013 Season

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club
The date for this year’s End Of Season Lincoln Hockey Club Ball is fast approaching. Time to hunt out a pretty dress, brush dinner suits and polish shoes! Last year’s event was very successful and once again we are partying the night away at The DoubleTree Hilton Hotel on the Brayford, where we will be having a three course meal, prizes and speeches before much dancing and merriment.
Lincoln Hockey Club Ball

The club has much to celebrate this year, while also looking ahead to a very exciting 2013 / 2014 season.

Tickets for this most enjoyable evening are already on sales and are available at Thursday night training and from your team captain.The price of a ticket is the same as last year at £40. If monies come in as a cheque then please can they be made payable to “Lincoln Hockey Club”. You will be handed a ticket on exchange. Remember the more the merrier, so boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, friends are all welcome though this event is not open to children who don’t play in senior teams. A menu for the event will be announced shortly.

This was posted by Lincoln Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club

Curves: Womens Only Gym
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