Club Kit Available

This was posted by Lincoln Roses Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club

New club kit available

15% Discount code 201415

We are pleased to announce the below club kit is now available to purchase from use the above discount code to get 15% off all purchases!

Home socks (green) 

Away socks (white) 

Unisex Tracksuit bottoms 

Ladies Skorts 

Men's Shorts 

Unisex hoodies 

Men's training tops 

Women's training tops 

Junior hoody 

Junior training top

Green match day shirts are currently in production but you will not need to purchase them as the club has received sponsorship from the RAF for every team to have a set of playing shirts.

This was posted by Lincoln Roses Hockey Club prior to the creation of Lindum Hockey Club
Curves: Womens Only Gym
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