Junior Hockey Committee

Wednesday, 3rd of February 2016
Posted by Clare Willgoose
Junior Hockey Committee Junior Hockey Committee

An update from Clare Willgoose on the inaugural Lindum Hockey Club Junior Committee Meeting, held this week.

On Monday night at the Lindum we held the inaugural meeting about setting up a junior hockey committee. John Sisman gave an overview of how he saw the committee working. The parents who attended put ideas forward too,the overall feeling at the meeting was positive and that this committee would help support and enhance our very successful junior section of the Lindum Hockey Club.

To enable us to build on the dicussion last night, it would be lovely if more parents could come forward. As John as already said, no hockey experience is required, this is about supporting our children and the club. Many of you work and perhaps feel you dont have any spare time, but if you watch your child on a Saturday morning or at a mini tournament, then just in that time, we could use your support.

Remember the junior section of our club covers those from 5-18 years old, so volunteers across all age groups would be fantastic. We are having our next meeting on Monday 22nd February at the Lindum at 7:30pm. If you struggle because of childcare but are interested in helping then please either contact John Sisman by email [email protected] or catch him at junior training on Saturday morning.

Look forward to seeing you on the 22nd February.

Curves: Womens Only Gym
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