Lindum Sports’ Clubs Volunteer Day

Lindum Sports’ Clubs Volunteer Day Lindum Sports’ Clubs Volunteer Day

The Lindum Sports Association is holding a volunteer day on Sunday the 13th of March, 10.00am – 2.00pm at … the Lindum Sports Association.

There is a list of jobs and tasks that require completing around the Lindum Sports Association’s facilities and, as a member club we and the Lindum’s other member clubs are being recruited for these maintenance roles. Many hands will make short work and the more people who are able to pitch in will make it a quicker and easier job for all; even if you can only spare an hour or two it is very much appreciated.

There are inside jobs as well as outdoor work; one of the larger tasks for example is to help us to paint the Gym cream.


What Goes Around…

The hockey club’s biggest outgoing in terms of cost is on the facilities that we use to play hockey. The Lindum Sports Association, as the home of the club, is understandably the largest focus of that cost. Without the volunteers from the member clubs pitching in and doing their bit, the Lindum will need to turn to external contractors who will charge the charity for their time and skills. This will need to recouped so in turn will push up the costs charged to us, Lindum Hockey Club, for the use of these facilities. The club – as a non-for-profit organisation – will be forced to increase membership and match fees in response.

It’s in members’ financial interests, now and in the future (as costs are a barrier to participation and reduced participation will also see the costs of hockey increase), to get involved, help out at the Lindum (which as hockey club members we are also members of) for a few hours and help the eco-system that we’re all a part of on St Giles Avenue.

Lindum Sports Association Volunteers' Day

So please whether you are a parent or a member of the hockey club, no prior experience is required – just turn up wearing some old clothes. As well as a place in the hearts of everyone who use the Lindum Sports Association’s facilities, soft drinks and bacon and chip butties shall be your reward.

If you can help , please sign up behind the bar in the clubhouse or contact Robin Wright on [email protected].

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