Annual General Meeting, 2018

Annual General Meeting, 2018 Annual General Meeting, 2018

The 2018 Lindum Hockey Club Annual General Meeting is to be held on June the 15th, 2018, at the Lindum Sports Association

As is traditional with any constitutionally-held organisation, Lindum Hockey Club holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, usually to signal the end of one hockey season and the start of the next. These meetings, sign off the accounts from the previous year and put in place plans for the following twelve months.

This year the Lindum Hockey Club 2018 AGM is to be held on a Friday evening, the 15th of June.

As a member-owned club, run by its members, all club members from the 2017/2018 season have right to be present and vote on anything brought to the table. This includes the appointment of officials for the 2018 / 2019 hockey season.

Date: Friday, June the 15th
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Lindum Sports Association

It is requested that all club members please make the effort to attend.



Nominations for positions can be made up to the Wednesday before the AGM takes place (the 13th of June) using the form below. Please ensure that individuals submitted via the form are fully aware that they are being involved.

Role descriptions and responsibilities can be found here.

Nomination Form



    1. Members Present
    2. Apologies for absence
    3. Minutes of the last AGM
    4. Matters arising from minutes of previous AGM
    5. Confirm and adopt minutes
    6. Finance Report
    7. Confirm and adopt 2018/19 annual membership subscription rates
    8. Confirm club committee for 2018/19 season
    9. Date and time of next AGM and 1st committee meeting


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