Annual General Meeting and New Roles

Annual General Meeting and New Roles Annual General Meeting and New Roles

The date of the 2021-22 hockey season has been announced

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) to bring to a close the 2021-2022 season will be taking place, for the first time in the last few years in a physical location, on the 19th of May at the Lindum Sports Association.

All club members are encouraged to attend and the nominations form on the website, to be involved in the club next season, will remain open until a few days beforehand.

The meeting will commence at 7pm.


New Roles

As we start looking towards next season the Committee would like to encourage a broader range of members to become involved with the club. We also want to build on the success of last season and provide additional ways all members can give their feedback to the club, good or not so good (we hope more of the former than the later!)
With this in mind we would like to introduce the following roles:
  • Ladies Club Captain
  • Mens Club Captain
  • Girls Club Captain
  • Boys Club Captain
  • Parents Representative
These roles would be ambassadors for the players and parents and be a point of contact through which players or parents can easily raise their views. We’re not expecting the members who take on these roles to attend every committee meeting but they would be very welcome to do so as and when they felt the need. Our view is this will create an even more open and honest communication channel with the committee and help us build an even stronger club.
If you would like to discuss the roles further please contact Ben Smith.
If you would like to be nominated you will need someone to nominate and second you and if you would like to nominate someone you can do so here. If there is more than one nomination for each role we’ll open it up to a vote.
We really would like to encourage you to get involved, it’s all for the benefit of the club!
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