Club Member Balances, Summer 2021

Posted by Alex Cooper
Friday, 18th of June 2021
Club Member Balances, Summer 2021 Club Member Balances, Summer 2021

This season Lindum Hockey Club went cashless for league hockey; this is how it will all work for next season (2021-22)

At the beginning of the 2020-21 hockey season, the season that in many ways never happened due to Covid-19 and the impact of lockdowns, the club took the decision to remove a possible point of contact by taking cash payments away from captains (for senior hockey match fees) and on the gate (for junior pay-as-you-go payments). This was built onto the back of the system to book training sessions, again for covid-safety. MyClub Balance

This has been in place all season and most have got used to paying for their hockey this way.

At the moment everyone receives weekly emails showing their current balance, assuming they’re not breaking even (when it seems pointless bothering you!), alongside instructions on how to either pay or be paid, if you’re in credit. On top of this we’ve also added Direct Debit, as a means of paying for hockey fees and other club costs, as an alternative to paying online by debit or credit card.


Next Season

We’re currently working on evolving the systems we have, in time for next season, to carry all information across from this year to next. So all balances and hockey-playing history will be available on the same logins at the beginning of the new hockey year. Anyone owing fees, but unable to pay by card due to the minimum £8 payment limit, can simply wait until next season when their balance increases. That limit is only in place to make online payments financially feasible once the payment fee is also taken into account.

At the start of this season we weren’t in a position to offer Pay-As-You-Go training fees to juniors, due to the time constraints to get everything ready in time. This has now been resolved and will be an option again at the beginning of the next hockey year.


What if I won’t be a club member next year?

Thank you to those who’ve got in touch asking about what they do with an under £8 credit from the club, when they’re not expecting to be around next season and can’t pay the total off by debit / credit card (due to the restriction). If you’re in this situation please let us know from the Help and Support form in the MyClub site and we’ll arrange payment.

Any outstanding debts are something that we will continue to tell you about, once a week … forever (and, as per league rules, you won’t technically be able to play for another club while you have outstanding debts to Lindum HC).


Direct Debits

The take-up on using Direct Debit has been very strong, and collections are planned to go out – for any amount due – at the start of each month. This is still a manual job to trigger them at the moment, because it’s a fairly new system, and I honestly forgot to do it at the beginning of June. So if you were expecting a payment then this is why it hasn’t gone out.

This will be resolved at the end of this month, and any due fees will be collected at the start of July.

Any new direct debit agreements can be set up now and the plan is for these to remain in place for next year.



While still under discussion and in the planning phases, we’re also looking into payment of membership fees via the MyClub site for next season, with the possibility of paying for them in instalments across the year. This should work hand-in-hand with Direct Debits.

I’m hoping that we can tailor the membership sign-up, usually done on this website, in a way that’s more closely integrated with the MyClub system. So rather than entering your email address, waiting for the unique link and then signing up, it can all be done via an existing login.


Booking Sessions

MyClub Session Booking

I would really like to permanently switch off the booking system in time for next season but, given the ongoing changes to the country’s covid picture and the ever-altering advice and restrictions, it could well be that we’ll be continuing to use this system for at least the beginning of the new season.

The only reason that session booking is in place is for the management of numbers on the pitch to ensure we’re compliant with ongoing guidance.

As ever, there’s little to be gained from guessing how things will be in three months’ time.


Further information regarding next season will be announced closer to the time.


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