Annual General Meeting, 2019

Annual General Meeting, 2019 Annual General Meeting, 2019

Lindum Hockey Club hereby serves notice of its Annual General Meeting, this year to be held on May the 28th, 2019

As per the club’s constitution, Lindum Hockey Club holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year. We tie this in to the end of the hockey season with a view to begin putting plans in place for the next one. These meetings include signing off the accounts from the previous year, putting in place a new committee for the following twelve months and asking cutting questions to the team who have run the club this season.

This year the Lindum Hockey Club 2019 AGM is to be held on a Tuesday evening, the 28th of May.

As a member-owned club, run by its members, all club members from the 2018 / 2019 season have a right to be present and vote on anything brought to the table. This includes the appointment of officials for the 2019 / 2020 hockey season.

Date: Tuesday, May the 28th
Time: 7pm
Location: Lindum Sports Association

It is requested that all club members please make the effort to attend.



Nominations for positions can be made up to the Wednesday before the AGM takes place (the 28th of May) using the form below. Please ensure that individuals submitted via the form are fully aware that they are being involved. Anybody with an existing role who would like to stand again, please ensure that your nominations are in as quickly as possible.

Role descriptions and responsibilities can be found here.

Nomination Form

Nominations are now closed.



  1. Members present
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of last AGM, matters arising and confirming and adopting of the minutes
  4. Finance report 2018-19 including CASC required constitution amendment
  5. Confirm and adopt the 2019-20 season membership subscription rates
  6. Club committee nominations for 2019-20, confirm and approve
  7. Date of first committee meeting
  8. Date of next AGM
  9. Any other business


From the Chairman, Andy Thorne

As we conclude the 2018-19 season it is a good time to reflect back and look forward to where we want to take Lindum Hockey Club over the next years.

On the pitch it has been a good year with some real highlights, particularly the Ladies 1’s promotion to the North Hockey Division 1. Again we fielded 10 senior teams in addition to the development team. Our juniors were represented at under 8s, 10s, 12s and 14s with considerable success.

Financially the club has returned to a modest surplus of £2,000 following the significant deficit of the 2017-18 season of £7,000. This is a most welcome position and due to the work of many making sure the finances are in this state. To those people thank you very much.

With increasing pressure on our budget for the next season we need to increase our annual senior membership cost to £130, from £120, and our juniors to £85, from £80. This follows several years when we have managed to not have an increase. Additionally the committee has decided that there will be no option for split payments this next season. The amount of work entailed in chasing monies not once but twice per season means this is no longer viable. Anyone in financial hardship should, as always, approach the club to look at potential solutions.

League match fees for the forthcoming season are proposed to remain at £8 seniors and £6 juniors

The cost of the Lindum Hockey Club membership remains highly competitive and value for money, especially when a pitch costs £650,000 to put down and £150,000 (plus) to re-lay.

As part of our work behind the scenes this season we have applied for and are hoping shortly to achieve CASC status. This officially recognises Lindum Hockey Club as a Community Amateur Sports Club.

This accurately reflects our vision for the club in the next five years. We are fundamentally an amateur sports club run by volunteers for its members’ benefit and we should always remember this in all we do. We are open to all and every member is equal regardless of their ability on the pitch.

We enjoy one of the best hockey-dedicated pitches in the country as well as a quality clubhouse, a refurbished sports bar and changing facilities. Coupled with Lindum representation in hockey leagues of a high standard this makes our club an ideal centre for Hockey in Lincolnshire. We aim to build on this vision over the next years and establish a sustainable hockey club we can all identify with and be proud of.

Over the summer it is the club’s plan to enter a formal arrangement with the Lindum Sports Association. This will secure the long term future of our club at the Lindum and give us the foundation to build our vision.

In order to continue the excellent work of all those who volunteer to help run Lindum Hockey Club we need new fresh faces to step forward and also help. A community amateur club with many volunteers makes it work so much more effectively. Members, old and new, to help with coaching, training, managing teams, joint fundraising, umpiring, catering etc are always welcome.

We have a already have a good club so please now let’s all become involved and join together to help make it an excellent club over the coming years

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